The new National Fire Operations Reporting System (NFORS) exposure tracking module is now available as an app from the Google Play store and the Apple App store. With the mobile app, any fire fighter, paramedic or officer can access and use the exposure tracker which serves as a personal database providing a detailed history of work and exposures in a private, encrypted and secure online environment.
Washington, D.C. - America’s newest fire administrator, one of the
nation’s leading experts on fire and emergency services, is focused on
assisting fire departments’ modernization efforts to better serve their
Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, appointed by President Joe Biden as the ninth United States fire administrator, took office Oct. 25.
Moore-Merrell recently resigned as the president and CEO of the International Public Safety Data Institute (IPSDI), a position she held since 2019. At IPSDI, she worked with fire departments and other agencies to gather, organize and translate community data to improve how emergency responders evaluate risks, deploy resources and respond to emergencies.
Prior to IPSDI, she served in multiple capacities as a senior executive at the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) for 26 years, responsible for front-line interaction with elected officials, fire chiefs, industry executives, law enforcement agencies and local unions nationwide.
With decades of hand-on experience and academic studies, Moore-Merrell is a big advocate of leveraging technology to provide lifesaving insights across the nation. She is considered an innovator in executive leadership, emergency response system evaluation, public safety resource deployment, community risk assessment, data science/analytics, strategic planning, costs and benefits analysis, advocacy, consensus building, policy development and implementation, and generational differences in the workplace. Moore-Merrell started her career as a firefighter/paramedic in Memphis, Tennessee, and has led research teams made up of international fire service organizations and other partners including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC/NIOSH), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Underwriters Laboratory (UL), the Urban Institute, the University of Texas, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the Commission on Fire Accreditation International.
Her landmark reports and other tools to improve residential and high-rise fireground operations, community risk assessment, and fire and EMS resource deployment all help drive executive decision making. These reports and other resources have changed the face of fire and EMS deployment in countries throughout the world.
Moore-Merrell also has managed emergency response system evaluation project teams, including secure data procurement, geographic information systems (GIS) analysis and workload analysis in hundreds of fire departments throughout North America.
She recently was awarded honorary membership in the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association for her expertise in areas of fire prevention, fire suppression and other related disciplines. It was only the fourth time an individual was presented this honor in the 54-year history of the organization.
At IPSDI, Moore-Merrell has worked to ensure firefighter health and safety is at the forefront of all efforts, including developing the NFORS mobile app for tracking on-the-job toxic exposures that can be downloaded and used for free by every firefighter in North America.
The IPSDI Board of Directors is conducting a search for the next CEO and will announce the new leader in the coming weeks.
The IPSDI mission is to enhance public safety resource deployment, operations, and firefighter health and safety by using data analytics to provide actionable lifesaving insights. The IPSDI team includes fire service leaders, researchers, developers and data scientists.
Available IPSDI data tools include FireCARES,, NFORS Analytics and the NFORS Exposure Tracker,
The IPSDI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit data science and research organization formed by a collaboration of fire service, research, policy and academic organizations.
More information can be found at
Melissa Knight, Director of Operations
International Public Safety Data Institute
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